Mrs. Nightingale's Home Page

  Mrs. Nightingale

Instructor of:
Workplace Technology-9th Grade
Multimedia-10th Grade
6th Grade Social Studies
7th Grade Social Studies
Senior Project Coordinator
Digital Photography

I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education and a Masters Degree in Educational Technology. I am certified to teach K-12 Computers/Technology, as well. This year I am in my 41st year of teaching - 20 years teaching elementary and 21 years teaching K-12 computers. I have been teaching in White Lake for 38 of those years (17 years in the elementary and 21 years in K-12 computers.

White Lake School
410 East 4th Street
PO Box 246
White Lake, SD 57383
Phone: (605) 249-2251                    Fax: (605) 249-2725

My Lesson Plans

My Class Schedule
8:15-9:00 9:05-9:50 9:55-10:40 10:45-11:30 11:35-12:20 12:20-12:50 12:55-1:40 1:45-2:30 2:35-3:20
7th Grade Social Studies 10th Grade
Multimedia Design
Senior Projects 9th Grade
Workplace Technology
Prep Lunch Prep 6th Grade Social Studies Photography

Elementary ComputersMultimedia DesignFoundations of TechnologyAdv Computer AppsSenior ProjectsBlogs

Technology IntegrationLinksWhite Lake SchoolDDN CampusPresentationsAbout Me
Word Projects

"Success comes before work only in the dictionary."
Name Spinners

"The past is history,
The future is a mystery,
and now is a gift.
That's why we call it the present.


  This page was last updated on Saturday, August 17, 2024.

Please contact the WebMaster for any comments, additions or corrections to this webpage.

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  Ignore's just a sandbox for one of my classes to try different things & will be deleted.