
Podcasting in Education PPT

Podcasting In Education PPT-for Office '03 and older

Purple Pride Radio
This is the first year we did podcasting in my computer classes. Click on the above link to listen to some of the podcasts that we made.
4th Grade Podcast Planning Sheet
2nd Grade Script

Radio Willow Web-guide to making podcasts
Click here to go to the Radio Willow Web website.

Recording Software
Download LAME MP3 Encoder
Remember where you save the lame file because the first time you use Audacity to export an MP3 file, it will ask you to locate the lame_enc.dll  file. You will only have to do this once and then it will remember where it is saved after that.
Installing Audacity -link temporarily broken (check back later)
Getting Fancy with Audacity -link temporarily broken (check back later)

Podcasting Ideas
Book Talks
Animal Riddles
Lessons that could be adapted for podcasting
Our City--script
Learning in Hand
Document a field trip
Classroom news
Record a class discussion
Review curricular content
Anything Musical, Instrumental
Interviews with Authors, Local Celebrity

A Mini Series is something to consider if you don’t want to commit to long term podcasting
 1. A consistent set of music, artwork and formats.  You want the series to be identified as a set with a sense of unity.  If  the series is a special project of an ongoing podcast, tie your show’s identity pieces (logos, etc) together with the special artwork of the mini series.

2. An introductory episode that details the scope of the series.  What question(s) will you be exploring?  What will listeners be able to take away from the experience?  What can they look forward to in upcoming episodes?

3. An episode for each of the central questions or angles you or your students explore.

4. A summary show co hosted by all the contributors in which the lessons of the previous episodes can be tied together.

Mini Series Ideas

Animal Adaptations - How does an environment affect animal appearance or the way they behave? 

Life Cycles - How do animals grow and change throughout their lives?  Are there similarities between different animal life cycles?

The Census - Why is the census important to our government?  What can we learn about the past and future by looking at census data?

10 Inventions that Changed the World

Creative writing - telling a story as a serial

Pillars of Character

Community Institutions


Other Uses for Audacity
Record "Voice of Democracy" speeches
Record soloists
Record piano accompaniments for students to practice at home
Record students reading
Readers Theater

RSS Feeds

Podcast Directories (Podcatchers)

Here are some resources for free podcasts available online:

Apple Learning Interchange
How Stuff Works (informational)
Lunchbox Lessons (science videos, sea creature informational videos, video books with text, writing videos)
Free Learning Content A-Z (listing of content by subject area)
M3 - Math Movie Minute (great example of student created instruction)
Children’s Fun Storytime Podcast

Mastery Maze
(more high school oriented)
Lit2Go (mp3 stories and poems)
Meet the Author Interviews with Children’s Books Authors & Illustrators
iTunes Podcasts:
- Audio stories for kids
Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing (each contains an advertisement)


Educational podcasts for purchase:


TeacherTube and YouTube are also good resources!

Digital Storytelling

 Digital Storytelling PPT
 Digital Storytelling PPT-for Office '03 and older

Digital Storytelling Ideas

Tools for Digital Storytelling
Photo Story 3 for Windows
You can use Photo Story 3 for Windows to create visually compelling and fun stories using your pictures and music. This article walks you through the basics of creating a photo story and shows you how easy and fun it can be!
Download Photo Story 3 

Photo Story 3 Tutorial       

Windows Movie Maker
Online directions for making movies effortlessly
An Adventure of the American Mind (from the Library of Congress)
