Learn to Type a Sentence

To this point in our lessons, the students have not typed sentences. In this lesson, the students continue to learn to type one space between words. The students must learn to type the punctuation mark next to the last letter in a word. Many students think there should be a space before the punctuation mark.

In this lesson, I ask the classroom teachers for the current spelling list. I display the list of words on the board. The task in this lesson is to choose three different words from the board and create three different sentences. After the student types the first sentence, they press return to go to the next line. After the students type the third sentence, they press return, type their name, and let me know they are finished.

Some students really enjoy typing sentences. I let the students know when they have finished their three sentences, they may type extra sentences with any words they choose.

When they are finished, I give them the choice to print the document once I save the file.